Monday 23 November 2015

Home Learning.

  • Send in a stocking ( ถุงเท้าวันคริสมาส) for your child if you haven't already.

  • Have a go at these tongue twisters with your child. If you pass those, have a go at these Christmas Tongue Twisters
  • Ask your child to draw their favourite cartoon and label it as well as they can.     

  • Make Christmas decorations with your child. Put them somewhere around the house at child height, even in their room. Try and encourage your child to do all the work themselves: Where can we find the resources, where are the scissors etc.   

    Have fun!

Christmas and the Imaginarium

Dear Parents,

Thank you for sending your children yesterday, we all had a great time and there was lots of learning taking place. Centered around the termly planning of 'Ourselves'.
    I hope the children weren't too tired after their day, all the children in RP fell asleep in the van after so many activities; climbing, designing cars and racing through the universe on bikes; sliding and taking photos; watching theatre and mixing in the DJ booth!
I'm pleased to say they were very well behaved and showed good manners with the staff throughout, a pleasure to teach as always.

Aside from their exciting trip, the children have been working hard making kites, wrapping and branding their own new toys and crafts; creating their own playground games; creating various Christmas crafts and making decorations for the class. There has been a strong interest in wearable crafts so we have been looking at wristbands and what you can do with them, such as get into Fairgrounds, The Imaginarium, Theme parks etc. 
Earlier in the week we looked at sea creatures and how big they actually are, drawing small fish, life size sharks and squid then looking at how big their body parts are. Peam, E'to, Deepman, Jamie and Minnie spent a lot of time discussing and teaching their friends about the size and features of life sized animals and fish. 

Please ensure your child brings in their Green Christmas costume as soon as possible as we will be having dress rehearsals. Please also remember to bring in a gift wrapped book with your childs name on; so Santa can hand it to them after the show. 

Thank you to those parents that have sent in stockings and homework. The children are so proud when they are able to show homework in school. Please try and support these experiences as much as you can, they really are invaluable.

Looking forward to seeing you soon, 
Kind regards, 

Douglas and the RP Team !

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Home learning.

  • Line up objects across your lounge or dining room. Talk about how you could do this faster, more effectively. Any objects will do, cushions, toys, shoes etc.
  • Play games of rock-paper-scissors-pin. If your not sure about the pin you can leave it out, or ask a (Thai) friend.
  • Go on a bike ride together. When you get back, talk about all the things that you saw. This can just be around the garden or your street, or the Tour de France!
  • Write out a list of names of everyone in your family. You can prompt your child to think of the first sound of their name, and that is enough.

    Have fun!

The Tiger who came to Tea and other news.

Dear parents,

This week we have been further studying Why I love my Mummy,  and The Tiger who came to Tea.
The children have been having tea parties and making cookies for the event!

Deepman tried to jump off the climbing frame!
A first for this year !

The children have been interested in trying to ride bikes, so we help the annual RP bike race !

A taster look at The Imaginarium. If you haven't sent money for the trip please do so before Friday 20.11.15

We looked at where Mummys came from all over the world, and where we all come from too. 

We looked at shape and children wanted to create their own shapes. 

We looked at all the people around us. The children had a lot of fun with this activity!

Making props for our Christmas songs.

Painting with watercolour has been an area we have been exploring. 

Looking at changes in the environment. 

Our Santa's Grotto is very popular, the children have taken to writing and making lists in there. 
 Throughout the week we have spent a long time investigating children's interests as well as our topic based work. We ended  up quite wet and messy on Fridays Book day, exploring water outside, and using tactile foams and gel inside. The children have been wrapping presents and making extra long lines of objects, investigating how they could speed up the process, such as carrying more bricks and moving obstacles.

Thanks you to Ploy's Mum who kindly came in on Monday and read us a story. It's always a treat for the children and a wonderful learning opportunity.

I look forward to seeing all the homework as soon as you can finish/ go out shopping.

Kind regards,

Douglas and the RP Team !!

Monday 9 November 2015

Home learning.

  • Draw a list of pictures and label (if appropriate, ask for the first sound). Decorate with different packaging labels and BRING IN to school on Monday.

  • Go on a shape walk around your house. Can your children find a
    isosceles triangle
    right angled triangle

  • Bring in a stocking for Santa's fireplace with your child's name. You can also decorate it if you like!

Why I love my mummy.

This week started very playfully with the children focusing on a lot of group play.
We have been looking at shape in the environment, exploring a lot of physical play and continuing our investigation of looking at brands. 

Making a rocket together. 

Searching for dropped leaves, as we are learning not to pick living plants. 

How to store them

Do they still need water? This provoked an interesting conversation about the life cycle. 

How far can we push balance.

What a brand can tell you.

Which room would this belong in?

The children were excited for their reward. They chose to go for a doughnut with their friends at the cafe.This has been a pleasant social event, away from class, and almost school. 

Sticky fingers ensued. 

Designing our own ice creams. 

...and paying for them. 

Child initiated group play. 

Where can we race the bikes?

A model building session, mainly focused on Iron man!

Peam's work took on many new forms. He developed his work so much he needed to support the paper further. 

Goldilocks loves porridge, so we thought we would try some too. 

Learning about measuring

Turn taking. 

Achieving a mutual goal. 

Finally we get to taste it!

As we have learnt about /c/ and /k/ the next step was to move onto /ck/ so we went for a kiCK around !

Shape hunting at break time.The children bring their own ideas to the table. 

usually involving many different children. 

After all, shapes are everywhere. 

Big and small. 

From making ice creams to investigating volume and change. 

Also being responsible for our mess, the children do this naturally now. 

A maths shape investigation. 

Helping design our grotto, we're very excited for Christmas. 

Designing an assault course. You can do this at home too!

Using whichever materials you feel fit. 

It was great to practice two footed jumps.

Rich showed great teamwork helping Ploy up the slide. It was the first time Ploy had tried to climb up it. 

The children have been trying hard in their writing classes and phonics. We have been writing more labels, particularly about our Mum's, also we are looking at the /ck/ sound and have new phonic challenges next week!
You can also see the story of Why I love my Mummy and have a read through together here.
Thanks for dropping by, 

Douglas and the RP Team.