Tuesday 26 April 2016


Dear Parents and family. 

Welcome to term three and all that we will be doing over the coming 9 weeks. We have a lot of work to get through, lots of words to learn and steps to overcome.

We have started on the topic of transport as it lends kindly from our previous work on space. The children have been labeling types of transport, leading discussions and investigating their properties. 
We have been writing about how our favourite characters move.


Building automobiles.

Making a mobile phone to call a taxi

Great teamwork !

Helping each other play. 

Skiing down the Alps.

The children have been enjoying Airships.

Designing cars.

Exploring the domino effect. 

Looking at our favourite characters modes of transport. 

Cleaning and organising.

Types of transport.

Exploring shape and patterns. The children are able to identify many different patterns in their environment. 

...and create their own.