Monday 1 February 2016

...and the fox lipped his lips!

Dear Parents, 

This week we have been studying The Gingerbread Man and all that the story entails.
The children have been enjoying the song about a fox and the Gingerbread Man song.
Our transition into blended phonics and sentencing has been proving challenging, but the children are making great progress.
The children are very interested in making props for their role play and making lots of food indoors. Outside the children have been joining in with a lot of group activities, such as creating obstacle courses and moving around large logs together.

Our 'ch' sounds got all chopped up!

Beginning to match capital letters with lower case. 

Blending cvc (consonant-vowel-consonant) words is commonplace in class. 

Gingerbread playdough made by the children. 

Investigating how to group buttons, quite surprisingly theres a vast amount of options: 2 holes vs 4 holes; pattern and no pattern; small vs large; colour; picture vs plain; like vs dont like. The list goes on. 

The beginning of BB-8.

Trying our cake :)
Smiles all around. 

Children are recommended to take part in 3 hours of exercise a day. Current research suggests children are watching too much T.V and not getting enough exercise (as a generalisation). We hope to promote a strong interest in physical exercise. 

When the gingerbread man escapes across the fields and meets the fox by the river. The children suggested that he could have crossed a bridge, they investigated how he could do that. 

We hope the fox doesn't catch him this week as we shall be making our own gingerbread men, hopefully he won't escape!!

Kind regards, 

Douglas and the RP Team. 

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